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Importance Of Valuing Wastewater For A Sustainable Life 

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As per research it is argued that globally over 80% of wastewater is discharged into the marine environment without undergoing any treatment. The untreated water which is directed towards rivers, lakes and seas, causes hazardous water borne diseases that majorly hinders economic development, human health, as well as the environment.

Direct contact with sewage water or surfaces contaminated with sewage water are the major cause of diseases such as diarrhea, intestinal, vomiting, lung infections and more. As the bacteria, fungi and parasites present in the contaminated spaces of sewage are harmful organisms, which cause major harm to human health.

The contaminated water can lead to various infections and can also pose significant problems to those consuming seafood. The deadly risk not only comes with the consumption of food, harm to the environment/human health but also can majorly cause harm to the sea animals as oxygen in the water decreases when there is an increase in organic materials due to the discharge of untreated sewage wastewater.

Contamination from sewage water causes water pollution and also is a threat to wildlife, whose only source of water are the rivers, lakes and oceans.

Reports suggest that wastewater is considered the most deleterious pollutant from the environment within the atmosphere. As per the research conducted by WHO, an average of 3.4 million deaths take place due to water related diseases and among them, over 4 lakh deaths are due to diarrhea from contaminated water.

Therefore, an important shift is necessary at multiple levels to advance sustainable sanitation practices to achieve a healthier and cleaner environment in which wastewater is considered a valuable resource rather than a liability.

Wastewater treatment ensures clean and safe water as it aims to entirely reduce and eliminate contaminated water to keep human health and the environment safe. The ultimate and prime focus on wastewater treatment facilities is to protect humans and the ecosystems from harmful and toxic components that are present in wastewater.

It helps us sustain a circular economy with its basic principle of design and redesign. As many are already aware that a circular economy has no beginning or end, where resources are more effectively used and can be used for as long as possible. When the usefulness of the particular material is at its end, then it is either renewed or is formed for a new purpose.

Circular economy is the best route taken, where we can lower wastewater with smart treatment technologies and with the help of collaboration of various residential and industrial complexes to reuse and recycle wastewater that is otherwise deemed unsanitary and end up being disposed of. It can be processed in ways that can support the environment and can also be used and reused for multiple purposes.

Treated wastewater which is used for irrigation, ultimately adds great value to agriculture and energy generation, resulting in making wastewater treatment plants sustainable financially and environmentally.

In light of the growing sewage water that is being discarded into the environment, EPEE manufactures Sewage Treatment Plants that strive at making our planet a clean, safe and evergreen place and prevents such harm to the environment and human health.

Installing STP in your residential, commercial buildings and small industries, will help prevent the harm to various aspects that make and contribute to creating a better environment for us to live in.

Team EPEE Aqua at EP Kamat Group, work together to educate all citizens about wastewater, its causes, affects and benefits of treating it in a bid to motivate each one of us to contribute in making a difference.

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